Monday, May 23, 2011

Frog concerto cake

This cake is especially designed and made for my best friend -- Ellis--'s boyfriend.

We have a frog guitarist, frog pianist and a frog singer in the pond singing a concerto for the Frog Prince that's sitting comfortably on his throne :)

Frog prince on his red velvet cushion

Me & Ellis really enjoyed making the cake, and it really is an honour for us to have her as our special cake decorator guest. Thanks a lot dear! :)

Dumont Cake

1 comment:

  1. Pleasure's mine dear :D demen ngegratak perlengkapan lu hahaha...It was a nice experience, making these decorations hands-on. Even my boyfriend's sister from Lampung asked where I ordered it.

    The surprise event went well, and all the people are fascinated by these cute little figurines ^_^ they love the mocca cake, and the icing too, saying that's its not overly sweet as many other cakes are.

    I wanted to take those frogs home afterward, but they ended up being brought home by my boyfriend's boss, for his little girls hahahaha...oh well, I'll just take it as a compliment ;)
