Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Feminine cupcake set

I made this for Bu Sasa's birthday... temanya.. yang girlie2..
dimulai dari pilihan warna base cupcake nya yg soft pink.. terus pilihan2 topper di atasnya.. semua nya yg feminim.. buat menggambarkan Bu Sasa yg orgnya feminim ;)

Ini foto cupcake set nya:

Ini foto topper2 nya:


nail polish & perfume..


high heels...

Hope you like this simple gift from us Bu Sa..
Best wishes for u always :)

Dumont Cake

Flowery cupcake

Bu Sasa ordered these individually packed cupcakes with butter cream topping & topper flowers dr fondant utk pemanis buat dibagiin ke orang2 kantornya..
Color theme nya mau yg serba light.. so i made 5 different colors: pink, blue, yellow, green & violet.. semuanya dibuat serba muda :)

These are a few samples of the cupcake:

Ini foto yang udah di dalem dus mika & dipitain :)

Thanks for ordering Bu Sa...
Wishing u a wonderful birthday! :)

Dumont Cake

Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Cars cupcake set

Rheni pesen The Cars cupcake set buat birthday keponakannya, Vincent. Maunya ada Lightning McQueen & teman2nya si biru, kuning, hijau dan si truk derek butut... hehehe...

Ini cupcake set nya:

Lightning McQueen

This one is Sally..

This one is Chick Hicks..

This is Luigi..

And this is Mater!!
Bikin mater bisa dibilang yg paling susah... Put an extra mile to work on this one coz harus bikin bak dan katrol buat derekannya, but i like him a lot.. i put an emboss of his name at the top of the truck.. :)

Thanks for ordering Rheni!!
Happy birthday to Vincent... hope u like ur birthday cupcake set! :)

Dumont Cake

Friday, July 9, 2010

Jurassic Park cupcake set

Wisa pesen cupcake dengan tema dinosaurus buat ultah Hafidz, ponakannya, yang ke 5... Sempet deg2an since belom pernah bikin bentuk2 dino... Kupanggil lah si ahli dinosaurus yang tidak lain adalah... jreng jreng... suamiku!! Hahahaha... entah dari mana nih daya khayal suamiku ttg dinosaurus bisa imajinatif banget.. jadi dia kuangkat sebagai personal advisor ku untuk project dino ini hahaha.... :D
Tema ini aku sebut: Jurassic Park cupcake set... but of course all dinosaurs are in a cute version ;)

Ini foto cupcake set nya

This is the cute version of T-Rex...


This one is Pterodactyl.. but I personally named it : Dinobird.. :D

Brontosaurus is having his daily bath while looking after his friend, T-Rex's eggs ;)

Thank you for ordering Wisa and i hope Hafidz like his birthday cupcake set :)

Dumont Cake

Monday, July 5, 2010

Birthday cupcake & cake

Ci Ollny ordered one cupcake set & one birthday mini cake for her daughter's 2nd birthday.

This is the cupcake set:

And this is the tinkerbell mini cake :

Thanks for ordering ci Ollny...
Happy birthday to Allyne! Hope you like your bday cake! :)

Dumont Cake

Piggy cupcake set

Inspired by Siany's figurine classes, i tried to make one of this piggy cupcake set just for fun.. and as a late anniversary gift for myself hahaha...

A set full of cute piggies :)

Dumont Cake